Policies and Procedures

Proposed Policies and Procedures Additions Annual Mtg. May 14 2016

State-Wide Conference to be held every 2 years
Annual Membership Renewals to be Mailed out by May 1
Deadline for Membership Renewals is July 31. If not paid, they are no longer in good standing.
Membership is July 1 to June 30 calendar year.
Members Joining after January 1: One half of membership dues are assessed; Credit issued for
following years membership.
Members with Ethics Violations; active membership status shall be reviewed by the Board
within 30 days of reported infraction. After meeting of said member and Board, a
determination will be issued within 90 days.


Administrative Secretary shall solicit the candidates for election during March each year.
Even Years: Recording Secretary, Delegate at Large, Librarian/Historian, Delegate B to RAA
Odd Years: President, Vice President, Administrative Secretary, Treasurer, Delegate A to RAA


Checks over $500 shall require 2 signatures.
Home office shall receive funds and send copies of all deposits to Treasurer.

Outside Activities:
Members wishing to use IRW Logo; or represent REFLEXOLOGY at Health Fairs, Community
Events shall take the following into consideration: Display accurate information of your
credentials; Dress for Success- Keep a Professional Appearance, clean and well groomed; Keep
your booth or work area neat and orderly. Secure all necessary permits and meet
requirements per Host site. Have adequate supplies on hand: Sanitation items (cleaning wipes,
paper towels, waste basket) Brochures, Business Cards etc.

President: Promote and Represent IRW. Coordinate, Supervise and conduct activities and
operations of Corp.

Keep BoD fully informed, and consult with them concerning activities of Corp. See that all
orders and resolutions of the BoD are in effect.

Vice President: shall fill in for the duties of President as necessary;
VP shall Chair at least one standing committee. Contribute to Board development.
Act as liaison with other State leaders/organizations.

Administrative Secretary: Receive all correspondence sent to Corp and respond as necessary or
forward to appropriate party for reply.
Chair the Membership Committee.
Act as Liaison to Membership and assist with mailings.
Keep Membership Databases up to date.
Solicit candidates in March for May Elections.

Recording Secretary: Record all Business conducted during all mtgs of BoD and member
meetings, including conference calls.
Send all Minutes to BoD within 14 days of mtg.
Keep minutes of all such meetings in books prepared specifically for that purpose as a
permanent record of Corp.
Attend to the processing of all Official Notices and care for original Historical Documents and
Records of Corp.

Balance checkbook monthly and send report to Board within 15 days of receipt of statement
from bank.
Maintain all Bank Statements, and keep Accounting of Income/Expenses. Prepare records for
tax purposes.

Prepare Annual Financial Reports and send to BoD at least 30 days prior to Annual mtg;

Director at Large: Serve on BoD and fulfill duties as assigned by President.
Chair at least ONE committee and work on schedule; Assist officers as necessary.

Librarian/Historian: Maintain record of Photos and Historical Records of the Corp activities
during their term of office. These, when approved by members, will become part of permanent
records of Corp.

RAA Delegate:
Share ideas, knowledge, skills, experiences, insights and develop ideas and projects based on
the needs of IRW members through the RAA BoD that will benefit and strengthen both groups.
Act as liaison between RAA and IRW.
Maintain membership in both State org and RAA.
Inform BoD and membership of changes or proposed changes of Laws regarding Reflexology.
Serve on at least one RAA committee.
Be present at monthly conference call and vote on RAA issues, attend other mtgs as necessary.

Social Media: Maintain Facebook site;